Plic, pluf, splash! For kindergarten and elementary school grades I and II.

On the occasion of the exhibition Helen Frankenthaler: Painting Without Rules, visits and workshops are offered to schools of all levels to experience the exhibition as a space for personal experimentation and sharing with the whole class.

The tours are calibrated for the different age groups, are structured in a dialogue mode and include hands-on experiences in the exhibition. The activities in the workshop follow the visit and invite visitors to rework the stimuli received from the works through an experience to be carried out independently or in groups.

Before the visit

During the first days of the exhibition, free meetings are organised for teachers and materials are made available to prepare for the visit, to deepen some content on the artists and to make the activities more inclusive.

Materiali di approfondimento Available from 9 October

After booking, teachers are asked to fill in a pre-visit questionnaire (soon available) that gathers information about the characteristics of the class in order to improve the visiting experience.

Visit + workshop

Yellow, red, orange and green: what happens when colours meet and mix?
The activity begins with the discovery of Helen Frankenthaler’s large canvases. During the visit to the exhibition, children are invited to enter into a relationship with the works through observation, movement and some sensory experiences.
The visit to the exhibition is rounded off with a workshop activity where they can experience first-hand the techniques used by the artist. The interaction of colours with water generates new combinations, creating surprising nuances and giving life to fantastic shapes, capable of evoking infinite suggestions.
The boys and girls are invited to work collectively in groups. Through their actions and thanks to the role of chance, they discover the magic of the encounter between colours and shapes.

Duration one and a half hours
Cost 3 € per student plus ticket price (free for children under 6, students with disabilities, teachers accompanying the class)

Chiavi della città

Palazzo Strozzi adheres to Le Chiavi della città, the Florence City Council’s initiative that promotes the offer of educational and formative supplementary courses aimed at Florentine schools.

Ufficio prenotazioni
CSC Sigma

Da lunedì a venerdì
Tel. +39 055 26 45 155

In copertina: Helen Frankenthaler, Fiesta (det.), 1973, New York, Helen Frankenthaler Foundation © 2024 Helen Frankenthaler Foundation, Inc. / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / SIAE, Rome
