
The Palazzo Strozzi Library is a library specialising in study and research primarily in the field of the contemporary arts and has a copy of the catalogue of every exhibition organised by the Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi since 2007 together with the scholarly texts used to produce them. The Library’s collection currently consists of some 3,000 books.

The Library is open to anyone wishing to consult its rich catalogue, in accordance with the regulations and rules of conduct governing consultation outlined below.

Tools for consultation

The Library’s organisation and functioning revolve around the presence of a catalogue which can be consulted on line. The Library is part of the SDIAF library network.

Consult the catalogue on line


The library is open to the public every Wednesday from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 14.00 to 18.00.
It will be closed to the public from July 1 to September 29, 2024. It will be open for consultation again from Wednesday 2 October 2024.

You must send an e-mail requesting access to the Library and giving at least 24 hours notice to indicating the titles of the books you wish to consult and their cataloguing data in the Library. You may request up to 3 volumes in any one sitting.

On reaching Palazzo Strozzi, please go to the Fondazione’s offices using the lifts/elevators to the left of the bar in the courtyard and pressing the button marked “2” once inside the lift.

After leaving valid ID with the secretarial staff, you must enter your first name and family name, your time of entry and exit, the purpose of your consultation (research, PhD thesis, study, publication etc.) and your signature in the attendance register.

After you have finished consulting the books, you should leave them on the table. The Library’s staff is solely responsible for returning them to their proper place on the bookshelves.

Rules of conduct

It is strictly forbidden:
– to bring backpacks, rucksacks, bags or luggage of any kind into the Library (all such items must be left in the cloakroom on the first floor / exhibition floor of the Palazzo);
– to smoke or to bring food or liquids of any kind into the Library or surrounding area;
– to write in the library books, even in erasable form, or to damage the Library’s documentary material in any way.