Guided tours for universities – Jeff Koons

From 2 October 2021 to 30 January 2022 Palazzo Strozzi will be hosting a major new exhibition showcasing the art of Jeff Koons, one of the most important and famous figures on the global contemporary art scene.

The exhibition, entitled Jeff Koons. Shine, brings to Florence a selection of the most celebrated works by this artist, who has revolutionised the international art system from the 1970s to the present day.

The tour of the exhibition specially devised for universities and academies is built around a selection of exhibits offering students a chance to explore Koons’ life and career as well as gaining a deeper understanding of the development of his art through various cycles of work.

Tours are structured for groups of up to 20 people plus the guide. Wireless whisper systems must be used: groups may use their own system or order one when booking the tour. The date and time slot of the tour must be reserved in advance. To ensure the tour takes place in a safe and healthy environment, please consult our webpage Open in safety.

Cost and duration

The tour costs € 72.00.
Admission free for accompanying academic staff.
The tour lasts 90 minutes.

Maximum number of participants per group: 20 people.
Groups comprising a larger number of students will be split into as many sub-groups as it takes to comply with the health measures in force at the time.

All activities are available in a range of foreign languages.

The cost of the tour does not include either the price of admission (€ 5 per person) or the advance sales fee (€ 1 per person). The cost of hiring a wireless whisper system, the use of which is compulsory on all guided tours, is included in the cost of the guided tour.

Reservations are required.

Academic staff interested in an introduction to Palazzo Strozzi’s exhibitions and its other activities designed for academies and universities may either use this form to subscribe, or they can get in touch with our Education Department by writing to

Reservations are required

Sigma CSC
Monday to Friday
9.00-13.00; 14.00-18.00
Tel. +39 055 2645155


Above: Jeff Koons, Jim Beam – J.B. Turner Train (det.), 1986, Collezione privata. © Jeff Koons © 2014 Christie’s Images Limited
